I can fix every bit of it, in a fair manner and (relatively) quickly and painlessly.
We're using 21st century tech to adjudicate rules, some of which were written as early as the late 19th century. Whenever it doesn't work badly enough, we add a little more word-salad to the already bloated rulebook, making it even more incomprehensible.
It's time to scrap the whole thing and start fresh. Same rules if you like but rewritten from the start for today's (and tomorrow's) technology. Make it perfectly clear what is and is not a foul. We can damn well see it, so why not write it, call it and be done with it?
~Call it to the letter of the law and change the law as needed. Because we can see it.
~NOT call it to whichever interpretation we think might be okay this week, this month or this year and then change the interpretation when x fan base howls the loudest.