Rodgers Wants Out

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Bad organizations rebuild. Good organizations reset. It’s not a minor difference either
Yeah and GBP is putting themselves in way they will not have cap space for years so moving them to bad org forced to rebuild on cheap
Sure they did, that's an unfair premise on your part. You build a defense and run first team which has won more than its share of games in the NFL and more than a few SB. The base was there if you move on.

Also, you spent all summer saying Rodgers was retiring, now all of a sudden resigning him is a good deal? Come on man! You damn well know they overpaid and overplayed their hand.

The Packers FO is a bunch of Smoe's that very well may set the franchise back after this and Yes they might strike gold as well because even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
Yeah I thought he was walking. My point is that they put themselves in a corner with the restructure in August, especially how the cap hit impacted things and the void year. They were going to have to take their medicine now or 2-3 years down the road. The structure of this deal gave them flexibility now and pain down the road. Rodgers retires or gets traded the pain is now and flexibility down the road with an unproven QB.
Yeah and GBP is putting themselves in way they will not have cap space for years so moving them to bad org forced to rebuild on cheap
That is not accurate. The cap pain will last about 2 years not much more.
Sometimes have to take lumps early and find QB instead of being desperate like FO was
And how many teams have chased QB’s for decades and nothing to show for it? Many. This board and many others have been critical of other organizations with that “find a QB” philosophy. Yeah draft Eason, draft Lock, draft Trubisky.
Depends how much cap hit they push out with Rodgers into future years after this year.
You can only prorate for 5 years from the signing of the deal. It’s not some terminal thing. Based on how it’s structured with base salaries probably 1-2 years of cap pain down the road
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And how many teams have chased QB’s for decades and nothing to show for it? Many. This board and many others have been critical of other organizations with that “find a QB” philosophy. Yeah draft Eason, draft Lock, draft Trubisky.
Yeah and keeping an aging QB past 40 is not smart either IMO
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