Rodgers Wants Out

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To me I rather miss playoffs and be able to rebuild then be one and out and have a deal with QB that kills your future
Does it kill one or 2 years sure. A future no. He walks this year your still in a cap mess maybe worse for 1 year
Does it kill one or 2 years sure. A future no. He walks this year your still in a cap mess maybe worse for 1 year
I think GB will have to spread this hit out over 2 years so you might not have cap space to use until year 3 or 4
SOmetimes better to rebuild then give out a bad contract
If your giving cash to a player who’s production is down and skill is diminishing yes or you have a know quantity (Favre > Rodgers) then I tend to agree, pass the keys over. But at this point 12 just had an MVP year, your heir apparent who you traded up for looks like he’s not ready it’s not a simple move.

I’ll say it again. The bigger error was the August restructure. This contract is far from optimal but the alternative was just as bad.
Sure reads like a one and done to me.

More serious cap gymnastics next year if he does walk away.

Once you go down that road, it’s hard/painful to get off it.
Agree and the August rework becomes more painful
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