I suggest people take a good look at the last three games, and then come back and say that the Rodgers we see playing QB for the Packers even comes close to resembling the guy that's been there for over 10 years. He isn't.
That competitive edge that's always driven Rodgers to lash out and be the best on the field is gone. I don't think he understands it, and because of it, wants to believe that the bad results are someone else's fault, not his. But, in the back of his mind, he knows darned well it's on him. That thing that gave him those two MVPs in a row is gone.
If you find it hard to believe, about Rodgers, look at Tom Brady. He's imploding, just like Rodgers. The edge is gone. His marriage is gone. Even his Tom Terrific facade has been stripped away, with his sideline, and on field tantrums.
What we've seen this year is two of the greatest QBs to ever play the game find out that no matter how good you were yesterday, there comes a time when you're no longer at the top of your game, and should have walked away before you began making a fool of yourself.
It's great to believe in how good Rodgers "used to be," but we have to face facts. That was in the past. Today is a new reality, and it's time for Aaron and the Packers to both move on.
As for us fans? Let it go. You can't build him back up, and make him work again. It's over. Remember the sweet times in the past, when he was pretty darned good.