The past week in the NFL:
Kyrie Irving decided that it would be a good move to insult and hurt a large percentage of the population living on the flat earth. All those brain cells he proclaims to have must have the same odd aversion to work that he does, as he then doubled down on it. Instead of apologizing, he 'took responsibility'. huh. I wonder how that works? "I burned this building down and I take responsibility for it, but I'm not sorry I did it" ??? Okay, Einstein. Got it. So after being forced into an apology, our beloved beacon of light gets to sit around for who-knows-how-long and contemplate his victim status and perhaps find a way to further doom his career and enrage people with the actual power of thought.
Meanwhile, in Never Never Land, Giannis gleefully runs around the building distributing his new shoes to everyone he can catch. Which is probably about everybody. He's large.
Let's see.......what else happened. Oh! The Bucks set a new record when they won their first eight games of the season. Then, with Giannis on the sidelines munching on popcorn, dancin' to the music, and looking like he was having the best time in his life.....they won the 9th.
It's really fun to watch guys setting personal bests and everyone contributing and working so well together on different looks. Their defense is just excellent, and it doesn't hurt that they can rain down 3 showers when they're on. And they've been 'on' a lot in the last couple of games. Such depth! I'm loving this Lopez/Jrue thing a lot. Almost every single one of them is standing out in an excellent way!
All this to say (as a BB fan) that I'm so glad I don't live in Brooklyn. Or anywhere near there. Ever.
Go Bucks!!!