Other than Rodgers being a QB like Favre, I see this in a different way. While both sides made mistakes, I put most of the blame on Brett Favre as he was actively talking about retirement prior to Rodgers being drafted - and when AR dropped to the Packers they took the chance knowing it's REALLY hard to replace someone like Brett - and then he actually retired which forced the Packers to give the reigns to Rodgers. I don't fault the Packers, if they really think Love is the answer, to have him take over when Rodgers retires. This time feels more "forced" by the Packers than with #4 because of the trade up, and contract issues. I think Murphy, Gute and ML feel they are looking out for the future and doing what's right - but to many it feels like they are forcing Rodgers out - opposite of what happened with Favre.