Rodgers Wants Out

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AJ Hawk >>. "It's going to be an uphill to figure out the rift. It may take some time. I don't know if it's something they can salvage, but I'm very hopeful they can."
This is exactly what I was talking about before. If Rodgers and his mouthpieces find it impossible to explain such "rift" in a sentence or two, it's very likely that they are just full of podo(
This is exactly what I was talking about before. If Rodgers and his mouthpieces find it impossible to explain such "rift" in a sentence or two, it's very likely that they are just full of podo(
Yep Rodgers not saying a word shows that things can't be fixed. He could easily come out and say there are differences but we are working to fix it and hopefully can work it out and I will be a Packer next year.
This is exactly what I was talking about before. If Rodgers and his mouthpieces find it impossible to explain such "rift" in a sentence or two, it's very likely that they are just full of podo(
Or, they know the rift runs deep, so they don't want to get into it that deep but then throw the proverbial bone when they say, "but I hope they can work it out" or some such thing. These close mouthpieces aren't, imo, going to lose Rodgers trust and spill all of the beans
Yep Rodgers not saying a word shows that things can't be fixed. He could easily come out and say there are differences but we are working to fix it and hopefully can work it out and I will be a Packer next year.
Again, playing devil's advocate, maybe both sides are taking the higher ground and negotiating and handling this in private. Maybe they want to be professional and not play it out in the media?
This is exactly what I was talking about before. If Rodgers and his mouthpieces find it impossible to explain such "rift" in a sentence or two, it's very likely that they are just full of podo(
Just pure speculation but I think Athletes First has taken over the narrative from Rodgers specifically and told him to lay low. They want to get some leverage in trade discussions and you can’t do that when your client is opening his pie hole. Now what his surrogates say is difficult to control. I would not be surprised if there is communication between both camps now to either settle the divide or beginning to negotiate a trade
Yep Rodgers not saying a word shows that things can't be fixed. He could easily come out and say there are differences but we are working to fix it and hopefully can work it out and I will be a Packer next year.
I understand what Rodgers' grievances are. The issue is that they are petty, small, stupid and of no actual consequence to anyone, so it's very hard to take them seriously. There's nothing to fix because nothing is actually broken.
Yep Rodgers not saying a word shows that things can't be fixed. He could easily come out and say there are differences but we are working to fix it and hopefully can work it out and I will be a Packer next year.
Just the opposite. Last thing you want to do is lose any leverage.
Yep Rodgers not saying a word shows that things can't be fixed. He could easily come out and say there are differences but we are working to fix it and hopefully can work it out and I will be a Packer next year.
If you only say there are differences you open up the door for speculation on what are the differences. Crates more noise
Though with OTA's right around corner will be interesting to see who Packers add as Even if Rodgers is not traded he's not likely showing up and need 2-3 other arms in camp.
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