Rodgers Wants Out

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Outside perspective.

Went to lunch up the street for Q , The big "tree" table was full of FB dudes, 2 former pro players(1 that coaches here), and a coach that used to be on staff in Carolina.... ton of HS/ college coaches/players. It's a hangout and you can catch this group together probably twice a month maybe... I got a snoot full of Rodgers and Packer ribbing from them. (Shouldn't have worn the packer hat)

The "outside " the packer circle thinks this is funny as hell but not one of them thought it was going to end well unless Aaron gets everything he wants and a guarantee. They also think Aaron comes off as a dick by doing it the way he has( their words not mine).

The positive on this is the owner felt bad and threw in my drink for free. Q was tops as always bbq
I said this before Rodgers wants it his way or no way. He wont' be happy unless he gets new deal and I think they do move on from Gute and hire a GM that kisses Rodgers butt and lets Rodgers have a say in personal matters. If the team does not do it Rodgers is gone.
I see this more on Rodgers then the team. Rodgers seems himself as the GBP without him there is no team so he thinks since the team runs thru him he should be able to tell the team who he wants around him and when they don't listen to him that's one of his personal grudges he loves to hold against people.
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.
I see this more on Rodgers then the team. Rodgers seems himself as the GBP without him there is no team so he thinks since the team runs thru him he should be able to tell the team who he wants around him and when they don't listen to him that's one of his personal grudges he loves to hold against people.
The key to any management/ employee relationship is communication. While I place an enormous amount of blame on Rodgers the power structure for this organization stops and starts with Murphy and history tells us that could be a one sided conversation, “that’s the way we always have done business”.
I said this before Rodgers wants it his way or no way. He wont' be happy unless he gets new deal and I think they do move on from Gute and hire a GM that kisses Rodgers butt and lets Rodgers have a say in personal matters. If the team does not do it Rodgers is gone.
I think the money angle is overblown. This to me is a classic “they disrespected me”. Not defense of him or criticize of him but just the gorilla in the room. Money at best was a band aid that was just waiting for the next issues to open the wound. And if his skills decline the natives will boo him from GB to Malibu. Gute is going nowhere. Murphy will not let one player break the brand and I don’t blame him. The only solution here is cut bait and move on. A retired Rodgers does more damage than a traded Rodgers. His skills will decline and GB will be vindicated, he retires he can still cause a cluster F and create more havoc
One dynamic to watch is the schedule drop in a week. GB is a much more valuable media asset with Rodgers, not so much with Love. Sunday games don’t have as much clout but SNF & MNF carry a lot of weight so watch the National schedule. Oh and yes, the league is closely watching this unfold. Follow the money
I think the money angle is overblown. This to me is a classic “they disrespected me”. Not defense of him or criticize of him but just the gorilla in the room. Money at best was a band aid that was just waiting for the next issues to open the wound. And if his skills decline the natives will boo him from GB to Malibu. Gute is going nowhere. Murphy will not let one player break the brand and I don’t blame him. The only solution here is cut bait and move on. A retired Rodgers does more damage than a traded Rodgers. His skills will decline and GB will be vindicated, he retires he can still cause a cluster F and create more havoc

Personally I favor a hard line approach to his bullcrap, but I always come back to the disgrace that is the Detroit Lions, and how Calvin Johnson, their best player of the last generation, is severed from the organization because they insisted on him paying back some bonus money after he abruptly retired. Long term it is so valuable to them to have him in the fold. Not to have him show up or whatever because he's not going to do that but they can't have him severed from the "G"
The key to any management/ employee relationship is communication. While I place an enormous amount of blame on Rodgers the power structure for this organization stops and starts with Murphy and history tells us that could be a one sided conversation, “that’s the way we always have done business”.
That's the misconception out there that is flawed for sure, Murphy is running the show not Gute.
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