Packers Defeat Texans 24-22

Great win and a show of mental toughness we haven't seen in years. Really highlights the change in culture ML has brought to this team. The def plays with an attitude we haven't seen in almost decade.

The only cautions i'd have is that HOU didn't have Collins, he plays and the def can't do what it did today with the pressure. Just something to keep in mind for don the road. Second, Joe Mixon, 115 yards and 2 TDs... Have to clean that up.

Best of show: a K who has good leg strength and came through in the clutch. Good for GB for taking a chance on him. If he can regain his past form he's a diamond in the rough.
Loved this win. Had 3 turnovers and still was able to eek one out. Regardless of record, this team is fun to watch this year. I've said it before but there is such an energy on both sides of the ball, but especially that defense. They fly around, hustle to the ball and just flat out play. This team can be special if they get it cleaned up. Gonna be a tough division but a very nice win today.
Up and down game by Love today. Great TD throws but the INT's were bad throws by him he needs to take a sack or throw it away there.

Rasheed Walker keeps showing he is not a starting LT.

Props to Eric Wilson coming in after Walker got hurt and playing perhaps even better then Walker has been.

GB D got stop when needed today. Also same to a short handed Houston defense.

Heard that though this was stats wise CJ Stroud worst game of his career.

Was listening to post game radio. Some caller said he saw a stat that if you had a negative 3 turn over ration in a game you had under 10% chance to win a game.