Wisconsin Football: Can Paul Chryst get the Badgers over the hump?

I just don’t know how much clout or influence McIntosh has to force a staff change. It was not a universally blessed hire and there is not one or two influential boosters who have that muscle either. I get there will be pressure to make a change but getting there is a whole different discussion
I doubt it without the Chancellor allowing it he would not have power to do it
Question is when push comes to shove will PC fire staff or be loyal to them.
That’s not a Rebecca Blank issue. Never was above the AD. Just telling like it is
But if school has to pay out millions of dollars to make a change just won't be the AD's call.
Question is you fire JR PC will just replace in staff anyone worthwhile though who can do job?
A good read/report on the physical aspect of the changes made between last year and this year. It's worth taking the time to read carefully. A lot of the problems we see are actually inside this information, just needs to be sorted out for what it is.
