Packers 2024-25 Season Thread

Packers’ Christian Watson said specialists determined he carried his strength asymmetrically. His right leg was significantly weaker than his left.
One would think a professional S&C coach would be able to look at his reps and weights in lifting exercises and notice a significant different without needing a specialist.
Packers’ Christian Watson said specialists determined he carried his strength asymmetrically. His right leg was significantly weaker than his left.
in 2021, the NFL gave $4 Million to UW-Madison to research the treatment and prevention of hamstring injuries.

Same school Watson went to have his hamgstrings looked at.
in 2021, the NFL gave $4 Million to UW-Madison to research the treatment and prevention of hamstring injuries.

Same school Watson went to have his hamgstrings looked at.
The real question is what is the likelihood of successful rehab and how long will it take. If one side is significantly weaker than the other he’ll have to completely recalibrate his body and other muscles.
The real question is what is the likelihood of successful rehab and how long will it take. If one side is significantly weaker than the other he’ll have to completely recalibrate his body and other muscles.
This seems so obvious that you'd think training staffs would understand it. you need to reduce the work load during rehab on the good appendage, and up it on the one being rehabbed, so they can become more balanced in strength, then start working them together.

But, the constant push to get them back on the field doesn't take time to make that evaluation.

Every time I hear the comment that the player's health is more important than him being on the field, I have to laugh. The NFL is the only professional sport where they'll send a guy onto the field with injuries that should stop him from playing. I keep thinking about Don Beebe and his hand injuries, and he kept playing, knowing his fingers would be unable to totally function right the rest of his life. He should never have played that way.
The real question is what is the likelihood of successful rehab and how long will it take. If one side is significantly weaker than the other he’ll have to completely recalibrate his body and other muscles.
Saw that he has got muscle mass difference down to around 10% would like it down to 6%