2022 NFL News

Ray Rice was on video smacking someone around and he got 2 games, all these women and Watson got a measly 6. I don't know. Don't ask me. I don't know. It all stinks.
Rice was before the MeToo Movement came around player does that today they may never play again.
CBA gives them right to appeal and use their own person to hear it doubt Watson NFLPA would have much chance in court since it's in CBA
I would agree. the SDNY has been very favorable to the NFL in recent history
I would agree. the SDNY has been very favorable to the NFL in recent history
Players have to start taking tougher stand on issues instead of just saying give us less practice time and more revnue and you can have what you want
NFLPA just as bad
Don’t disagree. But 32 guys basically control the league with little or no oversight. Considering it’s a multi billion dollar organization they will protect at all cost