A more hard-hitting article than normal, but the thing is, there isn't really a ton there that is huge news or a complete surprise. The degree of the problem is maybe a little eye-opening but the root issues have been talked about before.
- AR and MM not seeing eye to eye is not a surprise, and I'm not really surprised that tensions go back to day one - though things had clearly become rockier over the past several years.
- MM not being a particularly innovative coach - also not a surprise because the evidence was there for everyone to see the last few years. Mostly he just paid lip service to making any meaningful off-season changes. The massage thing was pretty wild though. How'd he think that wasn't gonna get out.
- AR is a sensitive prima-donna - yup, although this article makes him a little more over the top in that regard.
- AR's "trust" issues with young players - also pretty well known, though this article shows some of the pettiness that had crept into his thinking and how his issues forced young players into an uncomfortable spot between AR and MM.
- TT misused free agency and was no longer capable of running the football operation the last few years - no surprise there.
- Murphy, was too absorbed with the business end of things - again, no surprise there.
- No locker room leadership - yup, seems about right.
The difference with this article is that it brought all of them together in one place and showed how all the various people contributed to the problem. Plenty of blame to go around, that much is clear.
It'll be interesting to see how they fix this. I know a lot of people were distressed by Murphy's new power structure, but I'll withhold judgement to see how things work out. I still maintain that part of the problem with the "old" structure was that there was nobody really holding TT accountable, especially once his health failed. Murphy was off being Bob Harlan and looking after the business side of things not "meddling".
The article seems to portray Murphy as being in control enough of the situation to leave AR outside of the influence sphere when selecting a head coach. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe a new, younger GM like BG wouldn't have had the guts to leave AR out of the loop and then basically tell him to get on board after the fact.
Hopefully, this year's free agency shows that BG can handle the football operations and Murphy can count on him to deal with things more directly than TT ever did. Maybe the addition of some solid veterans can be part of the culture change. He has already made moves to eliminate players he thought were a problem in the locker room - Randall, Monty and HHCD. Right or wrong, they were at least decisive moves.
Lastly, I will keep mocking a DT for the Packers in the draft because I think the next veteran to go has to be Daniels. Like others have said - lotta talk, not a lotta action. Given what is being reported I'm not all that anxious to hang on to many veterans on this team.