RG III may be out for season


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RG III injured. It looks like he'll be out at least 8 weeks, maybe the season. The guy has a big cloud with sleet raining down on him, no matter where he goes. As far as the Browns, they're still suffering from the Art Modell curse!

RG III injured
Cleveland... What else can you say...

I really hope for their sake the baseball guy and the lawyer know how to pick football players.
I heard on the radio that he is now on the IR, but I didnt hear if he got the designation tag to go with it.
I heard on the radio that he is now on the IR, but I didnt hear if he got the designation tag to go with it.

I don't think there is a designation tag anymore. They are allowed to bring one player back from the IR after 6 weeks or something along those lines.
Cleveland is their own worst enemy. They made moves before the draft to get out of the second pick therefore passing on Wentz and ended up with 14 draft picks. All 14 players made the 53 man roster. This morning, Mike Golic was saying they are playing 'moneyball' and I don't think they are winning. They need a change from the owner on down to ever compete again.
New owner? Absolutely. But the current FO has only been in place what a year? They'll need 3-4 years to turn this sinking ship around.

I feel for RGIII. Kid had talent and potential, then he went to WAS and it all went out the window.

CLE is years away from even talking about a winning record. So in a few years if they're still a dumpster fire then clean house and start again,
Too early to say Cleveland's new FO won't get it done, but they aren't off to a great start. I can't argue with how they went about it if they indeed trusted their scouting. If they felt like the QBs that were available weren't the answer then trust your scouting, deal the pick and build up the rest of your team.

Other teams have done it that way. Seattle kind of did it that way and brought Flynn and Wilson in as QBs and got lucky with Wilson, though with their defense they probably would have been good either way. Denver did it last year with basically a caretaker at QB, and is prepared to do it this year with Siemian, at least until Lynch is ready.

You do feel bad for their fanbase - man they are snakebit.
This guy and this franchise just can't catch a break. I really wonder when Cleveland will ever be relevant again. Too early to tell for this staff but it's not started off well.