Post Game Thread: Oakland beats GB

13-6 Raiders

Can someone tell me how Burks injured his shoulder warming up when he wasn't even dressed for the game?

The Packers seem to lead the league in dumb injuries. Burks this week, last week it's Kumerow diving into the end zone. It just doesn't end. It's like these guys think they should look down the barrel of a gun to see what's wrong after it misfired.
Burks this week, last week it's Kumerow diving into the end zone. It just doesn't end. It's like these guys think they should look down the barrel of a gun to see what's wrong after it misfired.

I can somewhat understand Kumerow's injury. Guy trying to make the team. Has a TD. Shows off and *oops*.

What I don't understand is why, a half an hour before the game starts, Burks is injured and listed as one of the 'doesn't dress' for the game people. So obviously he was going to play, got hurt somehow during pre-game drills and added to this list a half an hour before the game started.

Bah. Why can't they just tell us how he got hurt?

Oh, and I detest Hundley. Seriously? He's improved? Doesn't look like it to me? At least MM only said he improved with his 'game management'. Oh. That's lovely. So he has absolutely no freaking talent, but he understands the game now after 4 years. Also, Kizer. Untalented and suckish but understands the game. I did like MM saying that basically the offense totally crapped the bed.
I would rather have seen Boyle than those two craptastic 'QB's'. Maybe he actually has an upside.

At least Moore caught some balls. That was nice for a change. Unfortunately, it probably helped Hundley and Kizer.

If anyone, anyone, has something positive to say about our apparent backup QBs, please tell me. Hopefully it won't matter at all. :)
Other than Gilbert and J’Mon Moore, I have a hard time finding much of anything to be positive about.
I only watched the highlight - lowlights? - this morning, but perhaps it’s time to trade for some OT depth.