A good win against a decent team, and on their turf. Absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, or make excuses as to "why" the Cowboys lost. The Packers just plain outplayed them until the Packers brain trust decided to play keep away, and nearly let the Cowboys back into the game.
Turnovers aren't a given. We made three INTs, and that's good defense, yet, when you get a pick, it takes a little luck. The Packers created that luck, and the discipline I've seen at times from the back 4 on this defense sure exceeds what we've seen in the past. They look cohesive, and play as a unit, not individuals. It didn't hurt that the Packers were able to dial up heat on the Cowboys overrated QB, and he choked on several throws, costing them possible first downs. The D gets a plus for that as well.
If anyone hadn't noticed, they put a hat on Martinez every play. They cut down on his mobility by doing it. That's what helped them gain a lot of the yardage they did on the ground in chunks. Yet, they didn't bother to run the ball? Interesting decision by the Cowboys coaching staff. They could have taken more chunks, but seemed to think the Packers D was going to cut them down, so they passed. Credit to our D for being an "intimidation factor."
On offense, it was good seeing a heavy dose of Jones. He showed everyone he can catch the ball. No knock against Rodgers whatsoever. He hit 9 different receivers, and the only two that showed weakness out there were Scantling and Allison. Unfortunately they were also the two who showed they liked watching plays instead of looking for open spots in their zone defense to sit down, and wait for Rodgers to see them. One again, Graham decided to watch a few plays himself, and threw a couple of those "ole" blocks. I just can't get behind him as our #1 TE. Sorry!
Elgton Jenkins is not going to look back. This guy is going to be at that spot as long as he's healthy, and they can afford to pay him. He could end up being in the Pro Bowl in a year or two. He makes his blocks, and seems to be able to get a second block on some plays. He's a talent that I never expected. Watching him next to Bakhtiari, and knowing how good Bakh is considered, I'd put Elgton within an eyelash of being as good. Credit to Bulaga. I guess he was hurting pretty bad, but hung in there.
I noticed a huge difference when Linsley went out. That's when Jenkins really began to shine. Picking up a second guy, and making decisions like a seasoned vet. Some people just plain get it. Things you can't teach, that are instinctive.
Quit trying to run the ball out of the end zone on kickoffs. Why don't teams tell their deep backs to stay in the end zone, instead of ending up inside the 25, and often inside the 20, and adding a penalty on to boot. It don't make any sense.
Explain to Mr. Smith that no matter how good you are, and how well you play, your mouth and actions on the field can lead to problems for your team. He just needs to learn to curb the mouth, and play like he showed he can. No mouthing, and no retaliations, or face offs with the guys on the opposite side of the ball. You just make yourself a target for a flag.
At this point, I'm going to say that the three free agents the Packers grabbed have been an integral part of the success of this team. Finally, people grabbing guys who fit into the mold of the game you intend playing, not someone that you intend to convert into something they can't be. I got tired of watching the Packers front office and coaches drafting and signing Yugos, and trying to turn them into a Porsche. It just don't work.
Above all, kudos to the coaches for 2+ quarters. After that, a "What are you thinking?", question when they rolled in the sidewalks to protect a lead. That just doesn't work too well in the NFL.