Over the years, being a Packer fan meant that we would be out of the playoff race by week 8 or 9. We still used our season tickets, and went to games, because that's what Packer fans do.
I've sat in my seat in seasons where 4 or 5 wins was a reach, in blizzards that nearly obliterated the field. I sat there when roads were closing, and we were over 250 miles from home. I sat until time ran out in the 4th quarter, in games where we were blown out by 30 points.
Yes, I spoke my mind, and argued that something had to be done about the situation, and I had over 3 dozen articles I wrote posted in the old Packer Report, that arrived on our doorstep each week. I spoke out against things that bugged me on the radio, on TV, and in newspapers. It was my right... hell.... my obligation, as a loyal fan.
But, the one thing I never did was turn my back on the franchise, the players, or anyone associated with the team.
I remember standing up and giving the team a standing ovation as they trudged off the field, finally capturing their only win of the season, and seeing the reaction of the players, close up, as they sensed they were part of us, and we were part of them.
Yeah. We were losers. We had our bad days, games, and eras. But one damned thing always stood above it all.
We were Packer fans, and win, lose, or draw, we'd never walk away from them.
I have my Packer stock from every sale since I was born, in my name. I'm a charter member of the Packers Hall of Fame, because I donated heavily to help make it happen. There was so much history, and it has to be told for generations to come. My gold card pass for the rest of my life into that hall is more than enough reward in my mind.
I'll be watching the game on Sunday, and rooting for a win. I'll also be watching to see which players actually bust their arses to play the best they can. There's one thing the Packers don't need, and I don't abide. Quitters, because they make losers out of everyone around them, despite their efforts.