Whether the leaks came from the owners or the players, I really don't care. I know the players want to play, and the owners obviously support that because it means revenues. Owners want to protect their interests as well as maximize their profits, and the NFLPA and the players (and of course, their agents) are going to say and do whatever they can in the best interest of the players - those things are a given. If in fact that there is still no agreement on protocol, when they've had more time than the NBA or MLB - I agree that is an issue. But the NFLPA asking for no preseason games just 2 weeks ago obviously had the impact on the owners also pushing back on things. Negotiations are a 2 way street. But I still doubt that the NFL, given all the rules that were implemented over the last few years in the name of player safety, would not be willing to do what is recommended for Covid safety.