No Favre comeback, 'but I could play'


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Another summer, another Brett Favre story


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At least it isn't the "wait and see" game. He was fun to watch while he was here, and it will be good to have him back with the team.
The old fart looks good. Agree Mark as much crap as we went through prefer to see him in green and on our side of the field. So ready to bury this thing and move on from it.
I never really understood all the hate for #4. Did he waffle fro a few years yes. But askmanybolayer what was one of the hardest things they ever did was walk away from the game. Did he screw up PR. 101. Hell yes he did. But at the end of the day what he gave to the team and the organization dwarfs all the bad blood
Cant wait til this is all over and I don't have to hear about him anymore. Sorry, while I know some like and worship him, I cant stand the guy.
Thing is you will see him again when he goes in the nfl hall of fame.
I'm fine with Brett . . . old news now. Glad he's back in good stead with the organization. He's a Packer legend.

I did get a chuckle out of him thinking he can still play . . . what he means is that he can still "throw". Actually grinding through a season out on the field . . . not a chance. A flag football game on a Sunday afternoon . . . no problem.