UW Basketball 2021-2022


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Got a chance to watch this team for the first time last night. Some impressions

  • Davis was out last night and offense was a bit disjointed to say the least
  • Hepburn looks the part and has big upside like Devin Harris upside.
  • For a young team they can defend. Really impressive
  • Crowl is going to struggle down low, he needs to bulk up more
  • Carlson looked lost on offense. Missed easy post passes for layups and struggled to set screens
  • Wahl played much more aggressively than last year. Not stud star but nice role player
  • Bowman was adequate at a backup PG. seems in control and good feel for the game. Rusty after a year off
  • Vogt is needed down low. Foul issues last night
All in all they shot 18% from 3 and without Davis and lost by 5. Lot of good. Lot of bad but liked what I saw at times. Work in progress
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Nice win vs #12 Houston. This team for how young it is can defend and Davis is the real deal. Impressed
Nice win vs #12 Houston. This team for how young it is can defend and Davis is the real deal. Impressed
That could help them if at end of season they are a bubble team trying to fight to get in and needed a quality win.
That could help them if at end of season they are a bubble team trying to fight to get in and needed a quality win.
Agree but what’s impressive is that the offensive execution especially the first half was outstanding. Ball movement, how they play defense is a credit to Gard. Have no idea how they finish but the first half was a clinic. The kids did not flinch
Congrats on the Badgers winning the Maui Invitational championship.
This was unexpected. Davis is night and day from last year, Wahl is maybe the best post defender since Hayes, Hepburn does not flinch, Bowman is a solid Back up PG. Crowl is solid. What’s most impressive is Davison is not even option 1 or 2 in many sets. Not going to get to excited but this is a damn fun team to watch. They defend at a high level, offense is spotty but damn this was 3 fun games to watch
This Badgers team, win or lose, is much more enjoyable to watch than last year's group of whiners. (minus Brad Davison of course)
And a certain assistant coach who is no longer with the university is gone and not causing issues. The only real Whiner was Reuvers but he was a whining kid for a couple of years. I digress. The biggest take I have seen is that Davison has let Davis and Wahl take the leadership roles early. In a couple of sequences he basically directed traffic without the ball and told Wahl and Crowl to shoot. And let’s be honest Davis is the first player I can remember since Harris who could consistently create his own shot which make like easier on offense if the sets break down
Early takes.
  • Hepburn can play defense. Does not reach and moves his feet. For a true freshman that’s impressive
  • Wahl is the best post defender since Hayes. His post game on offense is really improved
  • Bowman has a little Trevon Hughes in him. Quick and attacks the rim. Not as quick as Hughes but maybe a better shooter
  • Davis is the best offensive player I can remember since Harris. He can create his own shot and Gard is letting him isolate one on one. Just needs a better perimeter game.
  • Crowl just needs to get stronger. More Brian Butch or Lauer than Kaminsky.
  • Carlson is a bit lost right now. Losing last year hurt and in reality he’s a freshman so no panic but he’s having issues setting screens and missing open post players
  • Gilmore is solid not spectacular. It’s not s deep bench to that’s going to eventually cause issues.
  • The staff has really done a great job with calling sets to get some good looks. It’s not a great shooting team so droughts are going to happen
  • They can shoot free throws. Amazing for a young team
  • Davison has relinquished the leadership role for the most part. He’s more of a coach on the floor and finding his spots to score
Surprisingly strong start. The conference so far has been underwhelming in comps to expectations. Long way to go but fun the watch
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