Full disclosure I didn't see the whole game. But what I did see was ugly. But a win is a win is a win. 5-0 is a great start to the season...
I would be lying if I said i'm not a little worried about the offense. only 17 points 2 weeks in a row... But at this point as long as the D keeps playing like they are the offense has time and support to get things back on track...
Cheesedog - the first possession - to the Rams - Packers defense cleared 'em off the field 1-2-3 and OUT! DEFENSE is unselfishly playing as a TEAM because many Packers players involved in that 1-2-3 and out. For two weeks in a row Packers defensive players have done some good combination plays.
First drive Packers touchdown was amazing for offense - they got into the game and started excellent. The 3rd and 11 Rams penalty was one of those providential helpers. Ty Montgomery not only looks good on the field - he can most often catch balls.
That 2nd Quarter - seems that St. Louis defense to our offense were able to get their "real in-game time" adjustments sent in and executed upon. TODAY our Victory Monday the Green Bay Packers have dropped from #8 to #15 in NFL 1st Down Leaders even though they won this game. (Kind of a big drop in stats in one week?) - The stat that worries me last week at (40.4 percent - or very close to that) is that 3rd down conversions also dropped again this week. Now at 60 attempts for the season - only 23 made (38.3) - Not such a large percentage slip for the week - but overall I am of the mind that even 40 PCT from the week before was too low.
The game went really fast to me listening to it yesterday - I think the offense was struggling before TJ Lang went down. I heard an interview with Bulaga that he said something like for both Josh Walker and Don Barclay who came in and he began communicating immediately. I will credit the offense for effort regarding that because TJ Lang is a starter and core player to the offense. I credit that James Jones receiver too - getting that TD was pure effort on his part.
The Rams defense this year we learned are as tough as we think they are and so is the Packers. Next step is the fingers crossed - praying thing regarding Nick Perry's shoulder injury and Raji's groin injury. Raji has had the football fire into him season.
I listened to the game re-hash just here and there with radio outdoors while doing leaves. I AGREE w/ one caller who said something like Julius Peppers is that quiet (but productive) experienced one out there on defense - I'm still glad he is playing for Green Bay. The young players can learn so much from Uncle Julius and after all his years on NFL fields - he is playing at excellence.
So here is to the Packers offense getting back to putting points on the board. In the Packers miserable years we all prolly would have cut our right arms off to know any game they were for sure good for at least two touchdowns. Here is to the DEFENSE who are playing like "supernaturals" that they can continue to grow, stay grounded and work hard as they have been and weather (ride out) the two defensive injuries I know about (Perry and Raji) from this week's game. - Kaye