Yes, it gets harder. But if people don't mind I'd like to take 24 hours to enjoy this. The Pack showed improvement, yes? After a horrible first quarter against the wind I believe Arod was something like 20-28. After a tough start Tretter actually played some of the better play we've seen at LT. Defense gave up less than 17 points again! They ran the ball a little better and turned it around after that terrible first quarter. We stopped the hottest QB in the league over the last month- YOU LIKE THAT!
It's easy to predict doom and gloom and considering only one team will win it all- you'll be right! But I'm going to enjoy a one week reprieve. We finally looked GOOD on national TV.
Yes, next week will be a daunting task. Like R Man said "what's the alternative?" You never know. That's why we play the games. We are NOT one and done! "So you're saying there's a chance!"
Hey, take all the time you want to enjoy it. I actually feel good for folks during the season that say "can't we just be happy that _____?". I'm just not one of them. With me, the downer today is that I have to get prepared to pay attention to the playoffs again. I'd pretty much written them off prior to the game, and even with the relatively small lead Washington had, it was 'obvious' that the Pack was playing the same kind of ball they had been since the bye. Ergo, I'd settled back into my 'anybody but Seattle and New England' mode and was looking ahead to later this year. After the run of 'oops' years, I was definitely in the 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me over and over, I'll believe it when I see it' corner.
And, even now, the view from the dark side isn't all that impressive. Your last paragraph is spot on, but the question marks are many, mostly some kind of 'if he/they could be that good in that time-frame, why did they look so bad for so long? The acceptable performances late in a lot of games was understandable as the other guys protected a lead. Seeing the passing game start out as miserably as it did, and then do a 180 for the last 3/4 was mind-boggling. It also begs the question of What Happened? Sure, they were against the wind, but they were in the second half, too, and did fine. Certainly agree that Tretter held up well, but (a) is that because #94 from Washington is a dud and (b) if not, what took the coaching staff this long to figure out the answer?
Oh well, they did win, they'll play again, and I'll still be looking for them to stick another dagger in me.

However, unlike folks who counter us Negative Nellies during the season with "how would you like to be a Browns, Jaguars, et. al. fan?", those franchises don't rip your heart out - the Vikings, on the other hand...