This issue needs to be resolved off the field, but in all honesty, this issue has hung over our nation like an ugly cloud for so long that it's finally coming to a head. If the players walk away from the issue at this point, they're submitting to their "masters," and that's not going to happen. They see Trump as a racist in the White House, and supportive of a police state where minorities are treated even worse than they are today.
As far as Jerry Jones, this is a knee jerk reaction to the fact that the Packers beat the Cowboys, and he's lashing out at his players over it. This could end very badly for Jones, the Cowboys, and possibly even the NFL.
This could lead to a lot of serious problems, including a walk-out by players, and the demise of the league as we know it. All because one man took a stand for something he believed in strong enough to lose everything he had.
Now, I expect a lot of "dislikes" for this post, but I expect that, when people don't take the time to see issues from both sides, and try to understand anything more than their own "personal beliefs."
If I was advising the players on what to do, I would suggest that they kneel down before the National Anthem, then stand during the anthem. The problem is, they see the anthem as something that racism is hiding behind, and calling it patriotism.