b) We have zero idea what Wolf's philosophy of building a team is. None. Maybe he'd be carbon copy of TT, maybe he'd go all youthful gambler on UFAs and trades. Maybe he'd keep MM, maybe bring in his own man.
Exactly. I think the assumption that because he came up mostly under TT, he'd probably do things the way Ted does them is very flawed. Just because he learned from the man doesn't mean he's going to copy everything he does. My father was one of the finest men I ever knew, but he also had his flaws. I learned everything I know about how to be a good man from watching him, but quite frankly, a lot of things I learned were more about how
not to do things than how to do them the way
he did them. I learned how to follow his good examples, and I learned how not to make the same mistakes he did.
I think that's what most intelligent people do when they have a boss who mentors them over a period of several years. Aaron Rodgers didn't spend 3 seasons standing on the sidelines watching Brett Favre and saying to himself, "Oh, boy, I can't wait until it's my turn to get in there and throw all those interceptions!" I doubt Elliot Wolf is sitting in his office thinking, "Man, just a couple more years until i get to take the phone off the hook during the entire off-season and study tape of DIII linebackers to sign as UFDAS." I would hope the man is smart enough to take what works from Ted's philosophy, and add his own ideas on how to do it better. And if he
isn't smart enough to do that, I wouldn't want him as GM.
I'm not saying that if he gets the job, he'll be better than Ted, or necessarily even as good - cuz TT, despite his faults, really is a decent GM. I'm just saying that if he does get the chance, I'd be very surprised if he did everything the same way Ted does. McKenzie, Schneider, and Dorsey all learned under Ted too, but did they go out and become carbon copies as soon as they got their chance? If the answer is no, then why would we expect it of Wolf?