NFL Attendance down


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Here's a comparison of all NFL teams attendance at home on the road. It doesn't look that good in Green Bay. It tells me that today's younger Packer fans aren't as dedicated to the team as those of us were, who weathered the 70s & 80s, when we paid for our season tickets and sat on those cold seats to support our team, win, lose, or draw. It didn't mean we weren't mad about losing, but it meant we were still there to fill Lambeau Field, week after week, even when we were knocked out of the race each year just after mid-season.

The NFL has made some serious changes over the years that contributed a lot towards causing this problem. The price of tickets is outrageous. It makes it very difficult for a family to attend 5 to 8 games a year at Lambeau. Then there's parking, and every other facet of cost that hurts. If you're lucky enough to get into the lot close to the field, great. If not? Fork out the green. Add in the fact that the Packers front office seems to figure that an "adequate" team is more than enough to keep the seats full, and you get what you get now.

When the next bargaining agreement is struck, it's not going to get better. The money spent by teams is over the top. Millions of dollars a year for people in middle management level, player salaries, and executive level money? It's outrageous to be honest.

Combine the price of taking your family to a game, along with the apathy in the organization, and you're looking for the perfect storm of seeing this team disintegrate into another trip to the 70s.

NFL Attendance Comparison
The NFL has been unaffordable to families for years. The NFL is really the only pro sport that attendance is not a key part of their revenue model. With the addition of PSL’s teams are doing just fine. And GB really cannot be too concerned with a waiting list for tickets longer than any team in the NFL. What drives the teams / league is TV revenue and the next TV deals struck will make the current ones look pitiful. The next CBA Remember player salaries are paid from league shared revenue so much of team costs are “fixed” with the exception of coach’s and administration.

The big reason yes cost is an issue is the overall stadium experience is poor for the most part. Concessions are overpriced and yes parking. Atlanta has lowered their cost on concessions to make it more fan friendly but they are the outliers now. As much history that GB has it’s not close to the amenities in new stadiums but again the team makes a big profit, long waiting list for tickets and Titletown revenue now add in TV revenue the league and GB can basically print money
The waiting list will begin to dwindle, and empty seats in Lambeau Field are lost revenue in the Atrium, concessions, and other Packer properties as well. No-shows hits hard, like it or not. Even Jerry Jones has shown concern within his organization, about the empty seats.

The lucrative TV deal may not be nearly as lucrative in the future as it is now. Especially if they end up using blackouts as a chip to get people into the stands.

According to one NFL person I talked to, nearly 30% of their profitability as a team comes from sales off the field, and their team is getting concerned about the drop.

That's what I was told, and my source is pretty consistent. It's the same source who guaranteed me that the Raiders were headed for Las Vegas, when everyone thought it was a lost cause. He's also the one who told me that John Gruden was going to end up their HC, not because of his coaching knowledge, but his relationship with Davis being strong.

Anyhow, that's all I have to say about it. There are teams that are already in hell with the attendance, and it's going to kill their franchises in place.
I even dropped my Sunday Ticket deal.

Why give the NFL more and more of my money, when they put a bland parity driven product on the field each week.

I can watch live streams for free any time I want.
The NFL and it’s franchises are cash cows. If you want to take a peak at how the new tv deals will fall out look no further than the MLB / Fox increase. And that’s not even counting the new digital deals on the horizon

Ratings are up, ad revenue is up and that all helps drive the shared revenue bank. An NFL owner would need to have the business skills of a chimpanzee to not make millions
The NFL and it’s franchises are cash cows. If you want to take a peak at how the new tv deals will fall out look no further than the MLB / Fox increase. And that’s not even counting the new digital deals on the horizon

Ratings are up, ad revenue is up and that all helps drive the shared revenue bank. An NFL owner would need to have the business skills of a chimpanzee to not make millions

Do you think the younger crowd is more comfy paying for access on phone and other device apps rather than going and experiencing a game in person?

That would, in part, explain drop in game attendance along with revenue increases.

I read somewhere that Packer/Cards tickets were going for $30 and fifty yard line for just $70 this week.
Do you think the younger crowd is more comfy paying for access on phone and other device apps rather than going and experiencing a game in person?

That would, in part, explain drop in game attendance along with revenue increases.

I read somewhere that Packer/Cards tickets were going for $30 and fifty yard line for just $70 this week.
The stream numbers are so small but to answer your question yes, the at home experience is big but the out of home viewing numbers (bars : restaurants) have increased significantly. I don’t take much stock in the secondary market. It’s a supply and demand thing
Do you think the younger crowd is more comfy paying for access on phone and other device apps rather than going and experiencing a game in person?

That would, in part, explain drop in game attendance along with revenue increases.

I read somewhere that Packer/Cards tickets were going for $30 and fifty yard line for just $70 this week.
Millennials are both the biggest and the poorest in several generations. They will pay for streaming cause they get more out of it. Plus they can't afford to drop $500 to take the family to a game. Different priorities too.
I can take my 2 boys (6 and 4) to several area sporting events (WI hockey (men's and women's), Mallards Baseball, a couple different local hs football and semi-pro, even a few brewers games a year) for the same price as one visit to Lambeau?

That's a deal my wife approves every time.
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