If you read Murphy's comments, it's like we've talked about, he turns everything related to football over to the football people during the season. When it's off season, he steps in, and makes decisions from his level. That keeps anyone from speculating that he interferes with the football program.
I believe there will be a small number of assistant coaches fired after this season. It's even a remote possibility that Capers gets the axe. I don't think that will happen though, because - I believe - he has two years left on his contract. Either way, he's going to be in the booth for 2017, unless he decides he wants to pull the plug, and asks them to dump him, with a buyout. If I was one of the lower assistants on defense, I'd be checking out U-Haul trailer prices, because there's a very strong chance I'm going to be packing and going. My resume would already be in my computer, ready to be sent out by hitting one button. They will find someone, or more, to sacrifice.
Like it or not, we should respect the fact that Murphy has this strength of mission, where he can keep his priorities straight. Nothing is worse than a rudderless ship towards the end of the season. After it's over? Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride, and the leash for Thompson and McCarthy is going to be real short. We can expect Thompson to make moves for next year, that we've never seen him do. He's going to know it's; "Win, or go home."