To me, this is a prime example of a team taking its example from their coach. This is the same thing that chaps my hide the most about McCarthy - his constant promises to fix the same damned things that never - year after year after year - ever get fixed. "We're gonna get that fixed." We're gonna hold people accountable." "We're not going to accept any excuses anymore." "From now on, everyone's accountable, including me." And it's all a bunch of crap, every damned word of it.
McCarthy's one of those people who can't seem to understand that there's a difference between promising to do something, and actually doing it. For years, it's been the same pattern - he keeps promising to get this fixed, and get that fixed, and on and on and on, and nothing ever gets done, because as far as he's concerned making the promise is the same as keeping it. And the suck-up Wisconsin media lets him get away with it.
To me, this is the same thing his players are doing. They see Coach getting away with it, and they see Coach not holding them accountable, and they figure, hey - we can just do the same thing. Keep making promises, and nobody will ever notice that we're not keeping them. Next week, we'll just make the same promises again, and we'll get away with it again.
And I call BS. I don't listen to a word that comes out of that organization anymore, because they're just full of crap. Do your damned talking on the field; don't hand me that crap in the press conferences anymore. As an organization, you have zero credibility with me.