Capers not frustrated by imbalance between offense and defense


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Green Bay — After a lopsided loss to the Arizona Cardinals last week, starting guard Josh Sitton offered a frank assessment of a glaring inequality for the Green Bay Packers.

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Of course Capers doesn't mind the offense sucking. It's probably a really nice change of pace for him to be the reason the team is even in games this season.
He takes a beating on the boards (me too), but for the last year his 'bend don't break' defense has performed quite well. Aside from the fake punt and end around, they pretty much shut Minnesota down. Watching them is an optical delusion, they don't seem to be doing well, but at the end of the game you have to admit they did a nice job.
Agree with the above. I've been guilty of slaying Capers too but his unit is doing well.
His defensice line sans Daniels us average
The lb crew is not athletic other than 52
His best corner out forv3 weeks.

Yes he has done fine. Am I always thrilled with scheme no but this defense is not bad right now
To me we need many new coaches on this team way of thinking and scheming is outdated but MM won't ever make a change.