Aaron Rodgers Family Issues Again


Carpe Diem
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His brother Rips him after his 1 Million $ donation >>>

PLEASE DONATE, SPREAD AWARENESS & SEND LOVE. But when your own Mom is home alone during the fires, car packed ready to evacuate, & you miss the fundamental first step of compassion; calling your parents to make sure they are safe.... Everything else just feels like an act.

The rift is still there, I don't know AR has always been a bit of a prick but he really needs to settle the family deal or at the very least keep it under wraps.
His brother Rips him after his 1 Million $ donation >>>

The rift is still there, I don't know AR has always been a bit of a prick but he really needs to settle the family deal or at the very least keep it under wraps.
Same old crap. You have to wonder what happened between AR and his x ? He was never the same guy after dating her.
Have zero issues with Rodgers little spat with his family but in the comments about his donation and the fires MM says "we've been talking about it everyday " Hey how about you talk about how to game plan the Vikings or the check downs that Aaron is missing ? I don't know the team feels dysfunctional and maybe they are drawing on AR issues or moods sh))
Maybe in the minority here but all that jazz with him and his family is none of my business, and shame on whoever makes this stuff public. There’s nothing you can say on Twitter that you also couldn’t say with a text, email or letter.
Have zero issues with Rodgers little spat with his family but in the comments about his donation and the fires MM says "we've been talking about it everyday " Hey how about you talk about how to game plan the Vikings or the check downs that Aaron is missing ? I don't know the team feels dysfunctional and maybe they are drawing on AR issues or moods sh))
I’m sure they talk football a lot and I have zero issues McCarthy caring about the tragedy and showing support
Honestly I could care less about his family spat. His bother needs to shut his pie hole this is not Real Housewives on Bravo
Yes, little brother Jordan who people know ONLY because he's Aaron's brother should just stfu. I'm guessing the family rift has something to do with Aaron and his family related to this.
All families have issues. But if I was Rodgers I would not want them being outed in public. Only thing this will do will piss him off more and be harder to fix any issues. It does seem it's his brother that is the problem and is the one that always has to say something on tv or social media. If he keeps his mouth shut no one knows anything about this.
I'm with several of you... Just sounds like his bro is a total prick who feels he hasn't gotten enough attention lately. Boom, one tweet and done, back in the spotlight, back in the news.

It's not Arods place to deal with his brother if he doesn't want to. His brother is an adult too. he should just suck it up. Arod isn't the one bringing his family issues to the spotlight. He's keeping it private.

If this is the way his brother acts Arod might have good reason to ignore him. My gut still tells me that while Arod isn't the nicest guy in the world, his family probably tried to prevent him from A-list lifestyle, or wanted more of his money spent on them. Wanting him to live like someone who never left town, visits often, and supports little bro who wants some of what big brother has.
Have zero issues with Rodgers little spat with his family but in the comments about his donation and the fires MM says "we've been talking about it everyday " Hey how about you talk about how to game plan the Vikings or the check downs that Aaron is missing ? I don't know the team feels dysfunctional and maybe they are drawing on AR issues or moods sh))

Rodgers, for the last few years, has been the king of bad body language. He's a master at rolling his eyes. All the disdain and disgust and superiority in the world is packed into that signature move.