Post Game Thread : Dallas Defeats The Pack 30-16


Carpe Diem
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Old fashioned ...dropped our pants and spank us game today. Too many mistakes and we came out with a slew of injuries. Fire away
Alrighty lets see.. First off, some cold hard truth. MM and the Packers offense has been living off the hype from two season ago... You have to prove yourself every season. Every season is different. This is not a team on the verge of breaking out. This is a flawed offense with some serious issues. And these issues have gone on for almost a full year..

We have an HC and QB who are thin skinned and have big egos. You can't solve a problem until yo admit you have one. And neither one is providing any leadership right now. It's hunker down and stick your head in the sand.

WR are messed up. The position coach should be fired like yesterday. That group has taken a huge step backwards. Our TE's are non existent. Though TT has done a horrible job restocking talent on offense.

I said it before. The Sb window slammed shut after the SEA loss. So the question now is do you trust MM to lead GB back to a SB? My answer is a hell no. Which begs the question why keep him around? At the end of this season GB needs to move on...

I question if Arod has the fire and motivation left to do what an elite NFL QB needs to. Is he putting in the time and practice and study he used to? s he just coasting? Is he not taking coaching? he's not mentally here. I think he walks away soon. Or gets traded. He obviously isn't committed right now.

Now some positives. Defense even with the injuries played pretty well. the Offense hung them out to dry and offered no support.

The Oline played really well. I thought they'd stink this year, I was wrong.

Monty with 98 yards recieving and some nice returns. (ya there was the fumble too)....
I put blame on TT and MM for not putting another actual RB on the roster this week. I had in my 53 only 2 RB's on the 53 because of the lack of talent and was surprised they let the one kid go from Minn after one week. But to not bring up Jackson from the P/S or a street FA is nuts. You saw it on the 3rd and 1 with RIP and his **** lead blockers are the worst blocking TE's in the league.
Montgomery - Good day out of the backfield as a receiver (despite the fumble but I don't know why we're running there in the first place).
Cobb - Was open. Played well. Would have had a big day had he not been overthrown 3 times.
Lacy - Ran hard despite being injured.
Crosby - Still getting it done.


Rodgers - No ball security. Bad accuracy. Bad decisions.
MM - Let's just say the in-game decisions made today were not the greatest.
Ladarius Gunter - Today playing the role of toast...
Thompson - I'm not sure who makes the final decision on the roster, but I think it was a pretty big mistake to not have a second RB available on the 53.
Fumble drill - Can someone recover the damn ball? Also (and I'm mostly joking) - see how many first round picks you could get for Rodgers.
I never played but do players begin to tune out coaches after a while, especially if the coaches say the same stuff year after year? There is something seriously wrong with this club. We have too much talent to go out there and look like the Cleveland Browns. thumbsdown))
Montgomery - Good day out of the backfield as a receiver (despite the fumble but I don't know why we're running there in the first place).
Cobb - Was open. Played well. Would have had a big day had he not been overthrown 3 times.
Lacy - Ran hard despite being injured.
Crosby - Still getting it done.


Rodgers - No ball security. Bad accuracy. Bad decisions.
MM - Let's just say the in-game decisions made today were not the greatest.
Ladarius Gunter - Today playing the role of toast...
Thompson - I'm not sure who makes the final decision on the roster, but I think it was a pretty big mistake to not have a second RB available on the 53.
Fumble drill - Can someone recover the damn ball? Also (and I'm mostly joking) - see how many first round picks you could get for Rodgers.

Poor Gunter got worked over pretty good. Did Rollins play today?
I put blame on TT and MM for not putting another actual RB on the roster this week. I had in my 53 only 2 RB's on the 53 because of the lack of talent and was surprised they let the one kid go from Minn after one week. But to not bring up Jackson from the P/S or a street FA is nuts. You saw it on the 3rd and 1 with RIP and his **** lead blockers are the worst blocking TE's in the league.

It's a head scratcher as to why they only went with Lacy as the only RB but I actually think it was 2 O-linemen in the backfield on that play. Someone may know better though so don't take it as fact. The injuries are starting to mount and the depth is just not there across the board.
Ty Montgomery this guy should have been playing for weeks now. Only winner today!

Rodgers continues to look like crap
Offensive game plan - just garbage
Secondary - has been crap all year no matter who has played. Time to evaluate coaching staff
Really the whole team less Montogomery gets a thumbsdown)).
TT/MM - completely ridiculous decision to have 1 active RB today. He also gets a major thumbsdown)) for completely over rating this lineup.
Absolutely nothing positive came out of this game! This is a football team with no heart.
Ty Montgomery this guy should have been playing for weeks now. Only winner today!

Good call. Makes you wonder why these types of plays haven't been worked into the game plan before now.
Bud- one OL and Barclay was the other.wacky(

Let's see.....4 turnovers, three top CBs out, MM calling plays. We're lucky Romo and Dez weren't playing or it could have been bad!sick(
Hard to watch. No rhythm, no coherent plan of attack. Do we really even have a game plan? CD- fire the WR coach? What difference would that make, they still run the routes MM tells them to- right next to the CBs!
Two calls in particular blew me away: 4th and 4- everybody runs 6 yards and stops except one of our slowest WRs (he goes deep). No pick, no rub, no slant, no good. The other one was the QB draw inside the five. Yes, ARod fumbled, but the point is- it didn't fool anyone. There were 4-5 defenders on it! OMG! I know, it's nit picking, but that's what we do after we lose.

There were three good things that I'm hanging my hat on:
1- Mason 'Money' Crosby
2- The versatility of Monty (hang on to the ball dude)
3- Watched Spriggs closely after Bulaga went out. Thought he did pretty good at RT.

But that's it! And I live in Minnesota, this season sucks. You guys have no idea what it's like up here!csr(