Healthy Janis practices without protective club


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Wide receiver Jeff Janis practiced without a club for the first time since breaking his hand in mid-August.


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He still won't be anything more then the 6th WR likely at best. Got to figure only reason they kept him out of camp was just to be a ST player
Someone has to go. They won't continue with 7 WRs when they have other needs as well. Because of his lack of play, I wouldn't doubt they cut Abbs. My reasons? Davis is a draft pick. They think every draft pick is on their way to the HOF. He's also our return man until Janis gets healthy. Montgomery stays for his smarts. His sideline play on the kickoff was just totally over the top awesome, from an understanding of the game point of view. The Packers staff always recognizes that kind of contribution.

We also have Guion and Goodson coming back off suspension. I believe they keep Guion, and dump Goodson, except they may have to keep Goodson because of the injury to Shields. If that's the case, we're now talking again about someone going, and the only person in the mix that we've been using, that's not getting passes thrown in his direction, is Abbs.

All this is conjecture, but let's face it. They have to make some decisions, and even the injury to Cook precludes a move in that area. The options are pretty narrow.
Someone has to go. They won't continue with 7 WRs when they have other needs as well. Because of his lack of play, I wouldn't doubt they cut Abbs. My reasons? Davis is a draft pick. They think every draft pick is on their way to the HOF. He's also our return man until Janis gets healthy. Montgomery stays for his smarts. His sideline play on the kickoff was just totally over the top awesome, from an understanding of the game point of view. The Packers staff always recognizes that kind of contribution.

We also have Guion and Goodson coming back off suspension. I believe they keep Guion, and dump Goodson, except they may have to keep Goodson because of the injury to Shields. If that's the case, we're now talking again about someone going, and the only person in the mix that we've been using, that's not getting passes thrown in his direction, is Abbs.

All this is conjecture, but let's face it. They have to make some decisions, and even the injury to Cook precludes a move in that area. The options are pretty narrow.

You cant cut Goodson you are already short on CB because of shields plus Evans is a wasted roster space so you can dump him for Goodson.
Abby was a draft pick too, and a higher one than Davis (or same round, don't remember). I wonder if they'll re-evaluate WR rotation after Davis' brutal drop. Low picks can't afford too many of those.
Because of his lack of play, I wouldn't doubt they cut Abbs.

Jason Wilde talked today about how he is legitimately confused that Abby, the guy Rodgers and McCarthy spoke so highly of during the pre-season and training camp, praising his route-running, football smarts, and hands, has played less than 10 snaps on offense this season.

He followed up by saying if Abby doesn't play much on Sunday, he plans on figuring out a way to ask the quarterback about it.
Jason Wilde talked today about how he is legitimately confused that Abby, the guy Rodgers and McCarthy spoke so highly of during the pre-season and training camp, praising his route-running, football smarts, and hands, has played less than 10 snaps on offense this season.
jason is not the only one. it is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Jason Wilde talked today about how he is legitimately confused that Abby, the guy Rodgers and McCarthy spoke so highly of during the pre-season and training camp, praising his route-running, football smarts, and hands, has played less than 10 snaps on offense this season.

He followed up by saying if Abby doesn't play much on Sunday, he plans on figuring out a way to ask the quarterback about it.

I think the guy Jason should be asking is MM. I doubt AR has that big a say in who plays or who doesn't.
I get the impression that McCarthy has "packages" of personnel that are exclusive to specific formations. If they aren't using the specific formation you're supposed to be in, you don't see the field. I believe that may well be part of the problem we have with our offense. As soon as a defense sees our package of players on the field, they can start to assess exactly what options we have that we run as plays. It reduces considerably the questions they have as to how they should cover our receivers, and protect against the run.

In a game, if the package or packages you're in, aren't used, you won't make it onto the field. It's a simple matter of what they figure your game involvement is supposed to be. If you consider that as a contributing factor to what we see, it could point out how we slowly lose fire power over the course of a game, and why defenses seem to be catching up with Rodgers.

It also points at the situation we have, where the loss of one player like Nelson, can throw the whole scheme of things out of whack. It's like they just plain don't plan enough to plug various players into various situations, except on the offensive line, and the defensive secondary.

I'm still trying to figure out why we haven't found a hybrid safety/linebacker that would be one of our inside linebackers. I look around the league and see several of them, and several guys who could fit that mold. Guys fast enough to play safety, yet big enough, and strong enough, to be a linebacker. The kind of guy that would make our defense work, because he could handle coverage of the stray WR when needed, and be a big defender against TEs. It just doesn't seem to be on the Packers need list.

Back to Abby. I'm still concerned he's about to be given his walking papers. If they don't use him against the Giants, I think it's going to happen.
I'm still trying to figure out why we haven't found a hybrid safety/linebacker that would be one of our inside linebackers. I look around the league and see several of them, and several guys who could fit that mold. Guys fast enough to play safety, yet big enough, and strong enough, to be a linebacker. The kind of guy that would make our defense work, because he could handle coverage of the stray WR when needed, and be a big defender against TEs. It just doesn't seem to be on the Packers need list.

Burnett has been playing that role, has he not? I would argue that maybe he's playing too much like a LB while on the field.