Hornung on Brady: 'My God, it's not fair'


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Says former Packers great of Patriots star: "It's a hell of a punishment for him if he didn't do it."


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I respect Hornung but I think he shouldn't comment publicly on something he knows nothing about. Only Brady and those 2 ball boys know what really happened and one of them ain't talking. Brady being defiant by not letting his lawyer turn over relevant communications with the 2 ball boys isn't doing him any favors. His refusal to cooperate with the investigation in this way is the main reason he's being suspended in the first place, not the deflating of footballs. The punishment for that infraction is a $25,000 fine. Why would Brady not just tell us he likes the balls at the lower end of the allowed psi and if some of the balls were under-inflated it wasn't intentional it won't happen again and pay the fine? If he did that all would be forgiven and forgotten in short order. His legacy would be intact and none of this nonsense would be front page news.
Pugger, you must have something wrong with your thought process. That makes way too much sense for the the NFL or Brady to ever consider. You need to learn to think more like an arrogant moron before you can truly grasp all the complexities of this issue, and the personalities involved! cra)
That's how this always starts. One "little" fib. Then the egos take over. The little fib gets defended well beyond where it should have been, typically due to ego, arrogance and stubbornness (call it what you want). Then the same takes over on the other side. "I'll show you not to lie to me" . . . even though this really isn't all that big a deal. The whole thing escalates beyond where it should have.
I think that's a good post by Pugger, except the point about legacy. Ask around on game day and I bet there aren't a ton of people who know Hornung was suspended for gambling. His legacy is intact, and years from now so will be Brady's.