Badgers Still Control Big Ten West Destiny Regardless of Ohio State Result


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It’s another supposed top 10 matchup for the Wisconsin Badgers football program on Saturday, its third in a row if you believe in the AP Poll rankings mattering at all.

Wisconsin vs. Ohio State is massive, no matter how you look at the game on Saturday. It is a battle between the two programs who have mattered most in the Big Ten over the past decade.

Ohio State has won five conference titles since 2006, while the Badgers have earned three of them as well. Simply put, chances are the road to the Amos Alonzo Stagg trophy goes through Columbus and/or Madison on any given year.

You’ll hear all about these things and of course all about Ohio State’s overwhelming advantages in the game coming up on Saturday night. However, there’s one truth few seem to realize when talking about this game.

It actually may not matter a whole lot for the Badgers in the long run should it drop the contest. That’s because the Big Ten West division race is far from over thanks to the scheduling gods of the Big Ten.

UW will have played three conference games after Saturday, and not a single one has been against the West division. No Nebraska, no Iowa and no Purdue to have beaten up on just yet.

With the Big Ten East gauntlet out of the way, Wisconsin must then stare down the barrel of the Big Ten West division. Five straight weeks for a chance at putting five losses on division opponents.

Pass through that unscathed and it is very likely the Badgers are looking at a win and in scenario against the hated Minnesota Gophers to end the season.

The Badgers are keenly aware that their season wasn’t over after a loss last week, but it should also go out this weekend knowing it can put all the chips in and if it doesn’t work the season is still far from over for them.

“That one loss doesn’t derail our season or put us back anywhere,” Badgers quarterback Alex Hornibrook said, via ESPN. “We still have opportunities ahead of us, and that’s a big thing for us.”

Nothing could be sweeter than once again clinching a division crown while extending a win streak that currently sits at 12 games over the Gophers. Same for beating a very good Nebraska team and taking the Heartland Trophy away from the Hawkeyes after it was stolen away inside Camp Randall Stadium last year.

Of course, a win on Saturday certainly helps matters in in the divisional race. But, the reality is the scenario that gets talked about should UW beat Ohio State for the second straight time at Camp Randall is far more prestigious than just a division title.

At that point, a win likely vaults Wisconsin in to some serious consideration for the College Football Playoff. It also means a whole different set of questions and pressures on the Badgers.

So, as we see it — either Wisconsin wins and becomes part of the October discussion about the national championship scenario, or it takes a loss and still has a shot at controlling its own Big Ten title hopes.

We’ll call that a win-win situation. How about you?

The post Badgers Still Control Big Ten West Destiny Regardless of Ohio State Result appeared first on Madtown Badgers.

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I would love to see the Badgers beat OSU but, just as the article states, UW has a legitimate chance to take the west. I can see that happening.
Totally agree. Nebraska has to play OSU this year. Even if we lose to OSU, and we run the table, including Nebraska, we get into the finals because of a head to head win against Nebraska, and identical records in the Big 10.

To get that far would be a totally amazing result from a season that most of us thought was going to be at best a 7 win season.

The football gods smile down on Madtown!
Now we get to face 3 legit quarterbacks. as much as I love this defense the secondary will be tested. Loss to OSU. Nebraska is a toss up unless the offense can get some continuity. Losing VandeBerg really hurts Iowa. Evanston is a virtual house of horror for Wisconsin. 8-4 / 9-3
It's weird, but the Northwestern game is the one that worries me the most. I probably should be more worried about Iowa. Nebraska I just think is a win because it's at home at night. Badgers have not won in Evanston in forever it seems.